So, I've labeled this with a "Part 1" in the title because with a title like, "Boys are stupid," it's only a matter of time before I need Part 2, Part 3, Part 50, Part 777, etc.
I work for a fairly large company with a fairly youngish population... the women are starting to pop babies out like it's going out of style. To deal with the sudden influx of new mom's returning to work, we've had to repurpose one of our offices to be a "Mother's Room." Our wonderful facilities staff got right to work and installed a door knob that locks, put a lovely sign on the door that said, "Mother's Room", and voila we had ourselves a brand new "Mother's Room."
What we did not expect was the mass questioning that we would get from several of the quite brilliant gentlemen that work here. But needless to say, when we did start getting questions, we thought a simple look with elevated eyebrows and the simple words, "ya know, a room for new mothers..." would do the trick.
Not so much... I actually had to use the word "breast" in a sentence to my male colleague - at least it was followed by the word "feed" but nevertheless, not really the conversation you want to have with a dimwitted analyst who is about 1/2 your age. (Especially since I tend to talk with my hands and point to things I'm talking about) So, I said exactly, "You know how new mothers breast-feed?" thinking he'd get it... His response, "Yeah?" followed by a pregnant (excuse the pun) pause. OK, I now needed to school this man on the fundamentals of painfully swelling breasts when a mom doesn't expel her milk as often as nature has planned.
OMG! Boys are Stupid Part 1!