Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A - Aunt - and I don't mean my Aunts but people that say "Ont" instead of "Ant"
B - Boys would be too easy but right now I'm stuck with that one
C - Captian Obviouses (AKA My Boss)
D - Dumb people (see C)
E - Everyone who is Dumb (see C & D)
F - Filet knives
G - Gag reflexes
H - Hapless people (see C, D & E)
I - Indian as a word to describe Native Americans - Indians are people from India, get it straight
J - Jowls (sp?) - those chins that occur under your cheeks at what was once a firm jaw line. OK, I'm changing "G" to Gravity
K -
L - Lines at the DMV
M - Motorcades
N - Negative Nancies (OK, I guess I shouldn't talk given the subject of this list)
O - Olives except when it comes to Dirty Martinis and my new favorite snack
P - Porta Pots - need I say more?
Q - Quiznos
R - Robot voices
S - Sheri
T - Taliban - OK, that's way more than an annoyance ... see "U"
U - Understatement
V - Victor/Victoria
W - Washington Redskins - again, see "U"
X - X-rays at the dentist - I need a bigger mouth
Y -
Z -

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